Thoughts of Healing Families

Thoughts of Healing Families

Thoughts of Healing Families: The Reflections of their Grief

Published April 4, 2024

by Lisa Renee Hutchins

A sincere book of poetry describing the thoughts and healing journey of families who have lost a loved one. The initial painful denial, confronting the anger from within, making a way forward, masking one’s darkness, finding a new path, and the after thoughts of healing one’s heart.

Thoughts of a Closet Freak

Thoughts of a Closet Freak

Thoughts of a Closet Freak

Thoughts of an Interracial Family

Thoughts of an Interracial Family

Thoughts of an Interracial Family: The Reflections of Our Realities

Published March 10, 2023

by Lisa Renee Hutchins

A transparent book of poetry describing the thoughts and experiences of an interracial family. The process of creating their own beliefs, exploring interracial relationships, and bringing the challenges that come with raising an interracial family to light.