32 Years Apart
32 Years Apart
May 09, 1987 was the first time I met Brandi Lavada Kneedly. Tight-fisted and fragile. I could not believe that I was the mother of this bundle of joy. Time progressed, and so did my love for her.
Brandi was a courageous child. She was always telling me, “Mommy make mistakes!” or “Mommy, I can do it!” My family and I began to call her Ms. Can Do.
Hailing from a musical family, I was certain that my daughter would be talented. Her talent showed up sooner than I expected. In first grade, my child was saying words while tapping her little feet. The words and the toe-tapping sounds were rhythmic and steady.
“Suga Mama, where you get those sounds from?”
“Mommy, I did it!” Ms. Can Do does it again.
The past two years have been horrific. All the killings of black people in America were taking up my good space. Then there was the murder of George Floyd, which was an American tragedy that should have never occurred. The way he was killed will stay with me forever and a day. It was an affront to humanity.
Subsequently, COVID-19 came to our shores, taking the lives of so many people. This pandemic invaded every country.
For a long time, I was unable to see Brandi. Therefore, we talked over the phone and texted daily. I am grateful for technology.
Brandi and I decided to write a book together in an attempt to make sense of these times. Until we were able to see one another, we wrote in journals, called one another, and critiqued our work.
We were the inspiration each of us needed to continue our quest.
After getting our vaccinations, we finally came together in person to collaborate on this project. We sat at the kitchen table by candlelight and wrote and shared. Many days passed until our book of poetry was finished.